Join one of our Hosted Networks

We host a number of thematic networks to connect people and organisations, build relationships and enable members to access better access to knowledge, information and support.

The networks we host are below. You can find more networks that may be relevant to you and your work here.

Greater Manchester Ethnic Communities Network

We host regular meetings in partnership with Manchester BME network for Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME*) and refugee voluntary and community sector organisations across Greater Manchester.

Greater Manchester BAME Social Enterprise Network

A network for BAME social enterpreneurs to help them launch and/or grow their enterprises. The network gives members opportunties to exchange skills, ideas, knowledge and experiences, learn from experts and find out about/access support available.

Greater Manchester Equality Alliance (GM=EqAl)

GM=EqAl brings together VCSE groups and organisations from a wide range of experience in Greater Manchester, and sharing their knowledge and learning to influence policy.

Greater Manchester Social Enterprise Network (GMSEN)

We work closely with other Social Enterprise networks in GM to provide a 'network of networks' for social enterprises, and those who want to buy from, support or work with social enterprises.

Greater Manchester Third Sector Research Network

A network for those actively involved in collecting and/or analysing information about the VCSE sector in GM (including VCSE workers/volunteers, academics, independent researchers and statutory workers). Bi-monthly meetings provide an informal and supportive environment to share ideas and experiences. 

*GMCVO uses the BAME abbreviation as we believe it is widely understood, but we acknowledge many feel this term is inadequate and limiting. We are therefore currently reviewing our use of the term. Our principle is to refer to individuals, organisations or networks by the terminology they themselves prefer.


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